Standardization System for the Accounting of Wages and Salary Tax

The Egyptian Tax Authority requested funders who are obliged to the sixth phase of the wage and salary tax standardization system and who are registered on the old electronic returns system and who are obliged to implement the system as of July 15, 2024, to quickly go to their missions to update their data (email, mobile number) so that the Tax Authority can cooperate with the company implementing the technical solution for the system to process their username and password and send it through the integrated communications center at the authority To get into the experimental environment of the system.

It explained that the financiers who are bound by phase 6 of the system, in accordance with the Minister of Finance decision No. 386 of 2023, are the financiers of the remaining tax centres and those of the Cairo and Alexandria tax and investment offices in the South of the Valley.

The head of the Egyptian Tax Authority stressed that the system of unifying the bases and standards for calculating wage and salary tax helps to achieve transparency between the various parties (employees, employers, tax authority, social insurance, health insurance, etc.), by unifying data sources in a unified system, and confirming the validity of the results

- Taxpayers who are obligated to the sixth stage of the system for unifying standards for calculating wages and salaries tax, and who are registered on the old electronic declarations system, must quickly

Updating the data of the funders of the sixth phase of the system is necessary to prepare their username and password to enter the experimental environment of the system.

- July 15, 2024 The implementation of the sixth phase of the system of standardization for the calculation of the wage and salary tax begins.

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